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Holy Week Addresses

The Passion According to St John

1  Heaven’s King  Life-Giver & Liberator

Four consecutive evening addresses on the passion

Holy Week 2010  St. Chad Romiley

These addresses are also available in a set of 2 CDs, see Resources, CDs

1-1 The Good Shepherd Lays Down His Life For the Sheep    John 18.1-27     35 mins.

In the olive grove, when Judas comes with soldiers, Jesus reveals his divine nature. Reflecting the Good Shepherd of John 10, Jesus protects his disciples. He is laying down his life willingly. In the courtyard of the high priest Peter is shown not to be a good shepherd; but John is faithful. What sort of disciples are we?

Click here to download or listen to the address, and to download and print an outline of the address, and to read or download and print the full text of the address

1-2  The True King Sent From Heaven         John 18. 28-19.3     35 mins.

Jesus and Pilate hold a long dialogue. Is Jesus a king? What is the nature of his kingdom? His kingdom is not of an earthly nature, but heavenly. He is a suffering king over a kingdom of truth, the ultimate reality. His coronation is with a crown of thorns. Do we want this king? 

Click here to download or listen to the address, and to download and print an outline of the address, and to read or download and print the full text of the address

1-3  The King Before Whom All Are Judged    John 19. 4-16       30 mins.

As the dialogue continues with Pilate, Jesus faces us with 3 further choices. Pilate represents us on trial before Jesus. Will we give judgment for Jesus and accept him as the True Human Being for the world, the One who alone has righteousness? Will we accept that only he has God's authority and power, and will we personally make him our king?

Click here to download or listen to the address, and to download and print an outline of the address, and to read or download and print the full text of the address

1-4  The Plan is Complete                         John 19. 16-42     33 mins.

Pilate sends Jesus to the cross. He is the Passover lamb whose sacrifice sets us free from sin and evil and enables us to share in his full humanity. Pilate's notice declares Jesus to be the king of the Jews. This is his enthronement and glory. Jesus provides for his mother, Mary, and gives responsibility to John. He declares his sacrifice complete, 'finished'; he releases his spirit to his father, God. Lifted up on the cross he draws all people to himself.

Click here to download or listen to the address, and to download and print an outline of the address, and to read or download and print the full text of the address

                                                         2  Standing Before Heaven's King 

                              9 consecutive Good Friday meditations  Bath Abbey  2012

These meditations are prepared for nine 20 minute sequences of hymn, reading, address, prayer, silence. Total time of addresses 89 mins. They are available in a set of 2 CDs, see Resources, CDs

1  John 18.1-14   The Good Shepherd Lays Down His Life For the Sheep

2  John 18.15-27 The Test of a True Disciple

3  John 18.28-40  A Different Kingdom-God's Reality; Pilate Seeks to Release Jesus 

4  John 19.1-8     The Truly Human One - Pilate Declares Jesus Innocent

5  John 19.8-11   Power and Accountability - Pilate is Afraid of Jesus' Authority

6  John 19.12-16 High Noon! God or Caesar - Pilate Rejects Jesus' Kingship

7  John 19.16-24 The King is Crucified

8  John 19.25-27 Jesus' Provision for the Future

9  John 19.28-42 It is Finished! - Jesus is the Perfect Lamb

Click here to download or listen to any one of the nine meditations, to download and print the outline of the 3 hour service, and to read or download and print the full text of the addresses

                 The Passion According to St Mark

                                                                            3  With Jesus to the Cross 

                                 3 consecutive evening addresses on the Passion 

                                      Holy Week 2015 Deane Parish Church, Bolton

      The series is introduced by a sermon on Palm Sunday see Sermons -Holy Week Sermons

3-1  Distressed but Surrendered    Mark 14.1-42     49 mins.

An anonymous woman anoints Jesus for burial with a beautiful act of worship. Then the Passover 'last supper' foreshadows Holy Communion with broken bread and wine. Jesus sees beyond his forthcoming death and Peter's denial to the fulfilment of the Kingdom of God. In the distress of Gethsemane he surrenders to his Father's will. He is the Son fulfilling what Israel could not do. 

Click here to download or listen to the address, and to download and print an outline of the address with the Bible text, and to read or download and print the full text of the address

3-2  Taking Our Place Mark      14.43-72                 54 mins.

Jesus shows full dignity as from this point on, he becomes no longer an initiator but a receiver of what others will do to him. The primary charge against him is that he claims to be The Messiah. It is a bad day for humanity; only Jesus shows any righteousness. Isaiah 53 has foretold in so many details all that unfolds as Jesus bears our sins.

Click here to download or listen to the address, and to download and print an outline of the address with the Bible text, and to read or download and print the full text of the address

3-3 Sharing Our Humanity  Mark 15.1-32    40 mins.

Pilate several times calls Jesus 'the king of the Jews'; but to satisfy the crowds he hands Jesus over to be flogged and crucified. In great irony, he releases the agitator Bar-Abbas (meaning son of the father). This is stark personal exchange: Jesus dies a rebel's death, that we, the rebels, may go free. Psalm 22 is fulfilled in Jesus' cry of abandonment and the supernatural darkness. Jesus will not come down from the cross; he knows he must fulfil his calling to be the suffering Messiah.

Click here to download or listen to the address, and to download and print an outline of the address with the Bible text, and to read or download and print the full text of the address

                                                             4  Alongside Jesus to the Cross

                                3 consecutive evening addresses on the Passion

                                          Holy Week 2011 Tonbridge Parish Church

4-1  Alongside Jesus- Distressed and Surrendered  Mark 14.1-42

This address failed to record. To listen to a similar address go to AAP3-1 above

Click here to read or to download and print the full text of the address

4-2 Alongside Jesus - Taking Our Place  Mark 14.43-72   50 mins

Jesus shows full dignity as from this point on, he becomes no longer an initiator but a receiver of what others will do to him. The primary charge against him is that he claims to be The Messiah. It is a bad day for humanity; only Jesus shows any righteousness. Isaiah 53 has foretold in so many details all that unfolds as Jesus bears our sins.

Click here to download or listen to the address, and to read or download and print the full text of the address

4-3  Alongside Jesus- Sharing Our Humanity  Mark 15.1-32   53 mins.

Pilate several times calls Jesus 'the king of the Jews'; but to satisfy the crowds he hands Jesus over to be flogged and crucified. In great irony, he releases the agitator Bar-Abbas (meaning son of the father). This is stark personal exchange: Jesus dies a rebel's death, that we, the rebels, may go free. Psalm 22 is fulfilled in Jesus' cry of abandonment and the supernatural darkness. Jesus will not come down from the cross; he knows he must fulfil his calling to be the suffering Messiah.

Click here to download or listen to the address, and to read or download and print the full text of the address

                 The Passion According to St Luke

5  With Jesus to Freedom (1) 

3 consecutive Good Friday meditations Deane Parish Church, Bolton 2015

These meditations are prepared for three 30 minute sequences of hymn, reading, address, prayer, silence. Total 67 mins.

1  Luke 22.1-34     Keeping the Vision in the Face of Pain

2  Luke 22.39-62  The Deepest Anguish

3  Luke 23.26-49  The Triumph of Faith

Click here to download or listen to the 3 addresses on one audio file, and to download and print the outline of the service, and to read or download and print the full text of the addresses

                                                                 6  With Jesus to Freedom (2)

                    9 consecutive Good Friday meditations Tonbridge Parish Church 2011

These meditations are prepared for nine 20 minute sequences of hymn, reading, address, prayer, silence. Total time of addresses 95 mins.

I Keeping the Vision in the Face of Pain

1 Luke 22.1-23    Keeping the Vision

2 Luke 22.24-34  Strengthening HIs friends

3 Luke 22.35-46  The Deepest Anguish

II The Stature of Righteousness

4 Luke 22.47-62  Love to Those Who Let Him Down

5 Luke 22.63-71  Making His Accusers Face Themselves

6 Luke 23.1-25    The Stature of Silence

III The Triumph of Faith

7 Luke 23.26-32  Concern for The City

8 Luke 23.33-43  Peace for a Penitent

9 Luke 23. 44-49 Surrender to the Father

Click here to download or listen to or download any one of the 9 meditations, and to read or download to print the full text of the addresses. 

    7  How Does Jesus Understand His Death?   Maundy Thursday evening 42 mins


28.03.11  Isaiah 53; John 13. 1-17  Tonbridge 2011

How Jesus washing his disciples' feet offers seven ways in which, in the cross, Jesus shows his love for humanity.


Click here to download or listen to the address, and to read or download and print the full text


For a similar but shorter  Maundy Thursday sermon see The Church Year Sermons, Holy Week Sermons

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