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                              Advent Sermons

                            Holy Week Sermons

                    Easter Day and Ascension Sermons

Advent Sermons

1 From Abraham to Advent   Romiley                    29 mins. 01.12.19

God's amazing plan. His promise to Abraham that in his descendants all the nations of the world would be blessed. The outworking of the plan is traced through the Old Testament to the birth of Jesus, the Messiah, the first Advent. The Church takes up the promise and lives in expectation of Jesus' return, the second Advent, when the new creation will be fully realised on earth.

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2 The Messiah in the Old Testament  Romiley      29 mins. 27.11.16     Isaiah 9.1-8

The Old Testament is Jesus' book. We love him; we love his book. It is a book waiting to see it all happen. Isaiah reveals the Messiah's coming as bringing great light, God's government, peace, justice and righteousness, forgiveness and tender care. Is this what we experience now?

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                                                                       3 Three Sermons on Heaven   

                                                                    available as a set of 3 CDs see Resources, CDs

3-1 God is So Close                 Romiley   26 mins.   02.12.12  Revelation 4 and 5

Heaven is all around us, but unseen. Heaven and earth were created together and always belong together. In Revelation 4 the curtain is drawn back; the apostle John is invited to see God's control room in heaven. He sees God, God on the throne in glory, God the creator of everything glorified in worship. In chapter 5 he sees the scroll of God's purposes to heal the world, the slain lamb, and heaven and earth united in worship. As we turn to Jesus we can share in heaven and its worship.

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3-2  The Ministry of Angels  Romiley     30 mins.   09.12.12

Angels are mentioned over 300 times in the Bible. Angels are worshippers; they are God's heralds and agents. There are warrior angels, messenger angels, ministering angels and guardian angels. There is immense activity in heaven; millions of angels are close at hand to help us We must be sure of their protection and help.

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3-3 The Day of the Lord       Romiley      32 mins.  16.12.12.   Amos 5; Revelation 21 and 22

The Day of the Lord runs right through scripture. We consider four great themes. It will be a day of justice and righteousness on the earth, and a day of accountability and judgment. It will be a day of resurrection and The Spirit; and it will be the day the New Creation is complete, a new Heaven and Earth and the Holy City. 

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                                               4 Before His Death, Jesus Warns His Disciples - 3 sermons

4-1  The Story of the Ten Virgins                    Romiley  20 mins.    01.12.13   Matthew 25.1-13


This is a funny story to make a point. The bridegroom is the Messiah, the girls are those who should be expecting him. The foolish ones are excluded because 'I do not know you'. Commitment to Jesus is essential to enter God's eternal feast. 

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4-2 Five Warnings and Some Encouragements Romiley 27 mins.    08.12.13     Matthew 24.1-25

In their calling to follow Jesus, his disciples will face false prophets, wars, natural disasters, persecution and believers falling away. These are like the birth-pains of a woman in labour; they are necessary for the Kingdom of God to come on earth.

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4-3 The Coming of the Son of Man                   Romiley   18.12.13          Matthew 24.15-44 

Jesus speaks with a prophet's big picture vision: the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70 and the End of the Age are fused together. This teaches us to view all current history in the light of God's promised End. With cosmic signs and glory the Son of Man will come and the elect will be gathered in.

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                                                                     5 Three Advent Sermons 2010  Romiley 

5-1  The Sheer Scope of the Plan             Romiley   28.11.10    Isaiah 42.1-6; 49.5,6; Matthew 3.13-17

God's wonderful plan to bless the nations, revealed to Abraham, rediscovered in Isaiah and fulfilled in the coming of Jesus. Jesus has all authority in heaven and earth. His kingdom will come as his followers make more disciples all over the world, those who will live according to his teaching. 

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5-2 Pictures of Heaven and Final Victory  Romiley   05.12.10  Revelation chs. 4,5, 21,22

Three pictures of heaven from the Book of Revelation: The Throne Room; The New City; The Garden City

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5-3 On Tiptoe for the Lord's Return         Romiley  12.12.10   I Thessalonians 4.13-5.11

Paul addresses concern for those who have died. He describes how it will be when the Lord returns, and how to prepare well for our death.

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6 Why Am I Here on Earth? To Work for Jesus Until He Returns 26 mins. 03.12.17 Matthew 25.14-30

St. Clement Higher Openshaw, Manchester.  CONFIRMATION SERVICE

Why am I Here on the Earth? One of the three great existential questions posed by the Beatle, George Harrison. The others: Who Am I? Where am I Going When I Die? This parable, along with the story of the ten virgins, confirms that after a long wait, Jesus will return. We bring him joy when we have put the gifts he has given us to work for him- to bring his blessings to the nations. The parables answer all three questions. I am a child ofGod , adopted into Jesus' family and purpose. I am destined to be rewarded to share his rule forever; but will be shut out of the feast if I don't know him personally. 

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7 Expect Jesus's Return and to be With Him Forever  VIDEO Romiley 13 mins. 21.03.21

IThessalonians 4. 13-18; 5.1-11

Unusually, Paul ends this early letter full of encouragement to a young but persecuted church with teaching on Jesus' return. Those who have died in Christ will be first to meet Jesus in the air. Although delayed, Jesus' coming will not take us by surprise; it will be wonderful salvation with Jesus for ever. Molly Dow testifies to hearing Jesus say he knows how to take care of her brother who died but not 'in Christ', and to a vision of her father in heaven, now whole and  without his large strawberry birthmark.

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Holy Week Sermons

1 Palm Sunday 2015   Deane, Bolton   28 mins. Mark 11.1-19 

In the account by St. Mark four things stand out about Jesus the Messiah: he is the Suffering Christ (Messiah), the Humble King, the Divine Judge and the Holy Lord. To recover our excitement about Jesus we have to surrender fully to him as our personal Lord.

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2. Palm Sunday 2011   Tonbridge         30 mins.

God's great plan was announced to Abraham, repeated in Isaiah 49 and fulfilled in Jesus. As God's servant he identifies with Israel, is crucified as Israel's king, then announces that through his authority his disciples will change the world. What is my part in this great plan?

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3 Maundy Thursday evening 2012  Bath Abbey 20 mins.  St. John 13.1-16

Six ways in which Jesus washing his disciples' feet indicates the love by which Jesus is washing us clean and making us the people God intends us to be

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Easter Day and Ascension sermons mostly in Carlisle cathedral

1 Hope and Joy in the Midst of Pain 2001

After his ordeal on the cross, Jesus is raised; the new order is here! Easter Day is the sign of hope and joy. Following our Foot and Mouth disease ordeal, God will bring us through.

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4. Who Did Not Believe? 2004

'These words seemed to them an idle tale and they did not believe them.' Jesus' resurrection tells us that evil cannot win; the earth will be saved and the way of peace is here.

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5  Who is Jesus?  2005  Matthew 28.1-10

When God raised Jesus something happened which completely changed the world for good. God's new creation was born, the world of harmony and trust.

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6  Jesus is unique: only he has been raised from death  2006  Acts 10.34-43; Mark 16.1-8

Only Jesus died for the sins of the world; only he has been given authority over all the world. Only Jesus gives us a personal relationship with God.

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7-1 Our serious problem: we are simply not excited about Jesus 2007 Acts 10.34-43; Luke 24.1-12

The resurrection confirms that God has a plan to heal the world, that evil will not win and that God will judge evil and deal with it.

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7-2  Easter Day Radio broadcast 2007

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8 Why Did Jesus Make Such an Impact?  2008  Acts.10.34-43; John 20.1-18

It is founded on facts; its message is love; its morality is good; and it deals with our wrongdoing.

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9  Is it True? Did God Raise Jesus Bodily From Being Dead?  2009  Acts 10.34-43; Mark 16.1-8

The resurrection completely changes our attitude to death, to judgment and to the future.

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11 Ascension Day 2011   St.Peter's Notting Hill  02.06.11    Acts 1.1-11

Beautiful art and buildings beckon us to worship God and to repentance

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12  What We Believe and Why  Easter Day 2012 St.Barnabas Bexhill  

As our country no longer claims to be Christian, it is time to take stock: what do we believe and why?  Confirmation service

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13 DVD How Do We Know Jesus Now? 13 mins. St. Margaret Frizinghall  10.04.21

Luke 24 13-35 

This is a well-known story. Cleopas and his companion walk back from Jerusalem to Emmaus, 7 miles, on the evening of Easter Day. They are sad and disillusioned; the one they hoped was the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, has been crucified. As they walk, Jesus comes alongside them, but they do not recognise him. Luke has written this story to point clearly to how we are now to know Jesus as we can no longer see him physically. It is first to meet him as we search the scriptures; and second when he breaks bread in Holy Communion. Jesus wants us to know him and every time we experience the sense of his presence is precious. 

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