1 Holy Spirit Teaching Carlisle diocese teaching days 2006
A day course with 3 addresses showing the wonderful scope of the Holy Spirit's work
The course is also available in a set of 3 CDs, see Resources, CDs
Click here to download or listen to any one of the 3 addresses, and to download and print the booklet which accompanies the addresses.
1 The Spirit and His Power 63 mins.
The Spirit leads God's mission. The promised one comes as a mighty wind on the day of Pentecost. The Spirit is God in our experience: he brings us to birth from heaven, transforms us with love, intercedes for us and brings us a foretaste of heaven. The Spirit is the power of God to change the world.
2 The Spirit and His Gifts for Mission 71 mins
The Spirit comes laden with gifts for God's mission. They bear witness to Jesus, create faith in others and build up the Church. Jesus and the apostolic church exercised a variety of 'spirituals', gifts which particularly demonstrate God's power, his love and authority. There are simple steps to receiving this fullness of God, a 'baptism' which is vital for effective mission.
3 The Healing Work of The Spirit 67 mins
The good news of Jesus is the gospel of the coming into the world of the kingdom of God; it brings total liberation and wholeness. It's coming is a spiritual battle with Satan; every healing in the Name of Jesus is a spiritual battle. Out of compassion Jesus commissions his followers to continue his ministry of proclaiming the kingdom and healing.
2 Blessings
Three addresses at a conference at Scargill November 2015
Click here to download or listen to any one of the 3 addresses, and to download and print the booklet which accompanies the 3 addresses
1 The Closeness of the Spiritual Realm 23 mins
God created the heavens and the earth as one and they always belong together. The spiritual realm of heaven and the Holy Spirit is all around us; it is pulsating with blessing to fulfll God's promise to Abraham to bless all the nations. We are to live in the heavenly realm and delight in God's new creation. The Spirit engages with the material creation and signs of God (miracles) are normal. We engage with this realm and bring blessing to others when we think and pray positively in agreement with all God's truth. Not to do so is rebellion and gives the devil a foothold.
2 God's Purpose of Blessing 13 mins.
The promise to Abraham is reawakened by Isaiah, whose vision of the servant to bless the nations is fulfilled in Jesus and the Church of his disciples. The consequences of obedience are blessings of God; the consequences of rebellion are a wide range of disorder, which Deuteronomy calls curses.
3 Giving the Blessings 32 mins.
Spirit-filled believers release streams of blessing and grace. Prayers of blessing, prayers for the kingdom of God on earth, and prayers for healing, are parallel ways of releasing heaven's grace. It is our priestly calling to be the channels between earth and heaven, using the keys of the kingdom of heaven to unlock its blessings. We release the kingdom in blessing individuals and families, children, spouses, land, enemies and community.
3 New Wine Addresses
1 My Part in God's Great Plan to Bless the Nations 66 mins
Opening address to the New Wine conference in Finland, July 2010. The crisp translation into Finnish does not distract from the message.
How I became a bishop who loves the Holy Spirit. The vision of God is to bless all the nations with light and justice. It was promised first to Abraham, repeated in Isaiah, and fulfilled in God's 'servant', Jesus. Our baptism unites us with Jesus and we have a part in God's plan. The plan is worked out as we make disciples all over the world, those who will bring light and justice. The Spirit came on Jesus at his baptism; we must be baptised in Holy Spirit to take part in the plan.
Click here to download or listen to the address
4 Joy in the Holy Spirit
Four addresses and a sermon at St. Andrew's Starbeck, Harrogate Saturday March 25-26 2023
The first talk is a personal journey describing how I became a friend of the Holy Spirit. We know much more about the Spirit than we think we do. The subsequent talks introduce the power of the Spirit received as Baptism in Holy Spirit, the spiritual gifts vital to God's mission and the authority and power given to us by Jesus to announce the kingdom of God and heal the sick.
click here to listen to the four talks and to download and print the two booklets which cover the text of the addresses.
1 Learning About the Holy Spirit, Your Friend
My personal experience is the Holy Spirit as the Initiator, who Brought Me to Birth and Revealed God to Me. The Spirit is My Teacher. My Helper, and The Spirit Makes Me Holy, (The Sanctifier).
2 Receiving the Spirit; to be Filled with His Power
To be effective witnesses for Jesus we need the Spirit's power. That power came to the Church at Pentecost and is available today with remarkable gifts. Jesus promises that if we ask the Father will give us his very best gift-The Spirit.
3 Exploring the Spirit's Amazing Gifts
God gives a range of gifts and ministries for building up the Church; the gifts Paul calls 'the spirituals' are those which appear supernatural. They are not new in the Church and they strikingly point to Jesus.
4 Bringing the Spirit's Healing
The good news of the Kingdom of God brings healing. Jesus gives to every follower authority to heal and the power to accomplish it. Every healing is a spiritual battle and healing will be incomplete until the last day. A simple guide to doing it is offered.
The Sunday morning sermon is available to listen to under Sermons, Holy Spirit and Renewal 4